Khawras with a ‘Twist’


I love food and I am a big foodie, I love trying different kind of yummy looking food. Yeah you read it right ‘yummy looking food’, cause presentation matters to me. Its not like taste doesn’t matter but just that if its not looking good it does not appeal. That said, I don’t reject food which does not look good or does not taste good. Food is indeed a Na’ma  (blessing) from Allah (SWT) and we ( Me and my Hubby) are totally against wasting food.

Once we had been to a restaurant where they also served sushi. My first impression about sushi was always icky and just the thought of eating uncooked fish made me nauseated. But since its presentation always  fascinated me, I was tempted to give it a try as I walked through Sushi bar isle. And believe me.. when I tried it, I instantly fell in love with it.

Ironically, my blog has been about food (cooking), while in reality, when it comes to cooking, I was and am still least interested and always feel lazy to cook. Cooking has always been a necessity for me as compared to those who are passionate about cooking. I remember during my teenage I knew few of my cousins who loved cooking so much that they joined classes for cooking. Me on the other hand was not really a fan of cooking or you could say cooking was not my cup of tea ;). But, I always liked the idea of the ‘art of cooking’, its presentation, its photography and so on and whenever I cook, I always try my best to cook it in most perfect manner (I guess it has to do with my OCD then). I did know how to cook few quick recipes such as Maggi (instant noodles), Pasta and Sausage or Chicken franks masala (my next post In sha Allah). Its a norm in our society for a girl to learn cooking before marriage but Alhamdulillah I managed to survive my initial stage of marriage without feeding my hubby burnt or charred food (Thanks to skype with Mom 😉 )

My next recipe is yet another of my childhood favorite dish – Khawras. Khawras is a traditional variant of Phirni and Maida Kheer, it is a traditional delicacy of Nawayats (My native). It is usually prepared at night and served in the morning as a breakfast after it is set. Some like to serve it as a dessert but mom mostly served us this dish as a breakfast with some other savory breakfast. I loved it so much that I could never wait to have it till next morning so I always finger-licked remainder in the pan clean after it was plated– so clean that one would think that somebody washed the pan already (oh I miss those childhood moments!!) . I prepared this dish a few days back after taking recipe from mom( I forget recipes every single time and I am always lazy to write it down too… I have to call her every time to make any of her recipes). My daughter is really a picky eater and hates trying new food, to attract her into eating it, I came up with Khawras with a ‘twist’. i.e Khawras with Fruit Pearl or Caviar. Like I said earlier, Sushi always fascinated me, and so this recipe is inspired by Sushi’s presentation with Caviar and Tobiko. Alhamdulilah, my attempt was a success!! It served both purpose i.e getting my daughter to like it and making it look pretty!!

So without further ado here’s another of my mom’s recipe;


Ingredient for Khawras

  • 1 Litre Full Cream Milk
  • 3/4 Cup of All Purpose Flour
  • 1 Cup of Sugar

Preparation time: 30-35mins

* Makes upto 2 dining plates


Blend all the ingredients in a blender or whisk thoroughly.

In a Thick Bottom Pan or Non Stick Pan add the mixture and cook on a low-medium flame, make sure to stir with a spatula or whisk through out so as to avoid lumps. Cook until the mixture is thick custard-like pouring consistency. Pour it in plates and let it cool and set overnight.

Tastes best when served chilled

Fruit Pearls or Caviar**

  • 1/2 Cup of Vegetable Oil
  • 1/3 Cup of any Fruit juice(I used Mixed-Berries Juice)
  • 1/4 Teaspoon Agar Agar Flakes
  • Syringe or a dropper

Preparation time: 10-15mins


Refrigerate the oil in a glass for an hour. In a small saucepan, bring juice and agar agar to a boil. Simmer and heat for another 2-3 minutes or until agar agar is completely dissolved. Let it cool for 3-5 minutes. Fill a syringe or a dropper with the juice and drop into the cold oil, one drop at a time. Now, strain caviar using a fine mesh strainer and rinse well with water and lastly lay caviar on a paper towel and pat dry gently

** Optional for plating purpose



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